Thursday, September 11, 2008

Renewing the license.....maybe.

For weeks I've been reading blogs of various people getting inspired by their stories and contemplating starting my own. Several thoughts crept into my head as I thought about it. Is my life entertaining enough? Do I really want to broadcast my business out there for everyone to see? Are people gonna judge me just for the thoughts I have swirling in my head? Then I came to the conclusion that I always end up coming to. I don't really care. I've never had an easy time expressing whats going on with me by talking to people so maybe this way I can still communicate what I'm feeling without having to actually speak it. So here it goes.....

Today I got up with one goal to accomplish, renewing the drivers license. If you know me, you know I got a DUI a year ago and have to carry 8 active points on my license until Nov. 08 which means you have to take the written test to renew. So I studied the manual for weeks. Keep in mind I have not touched this thing since I was 16. Yeah that was 13 years ago. So I walk into the BMV nervous about it but hopeful and I finally sit down with the lady and we start the process. She pulls up my records and gets really quiet. Then very rudely tells me that we can go no further because my license is suspended. First of all, I'm in shock since I took a stack of papers with me in December when I got it reinstated, so I ask how that's possible. I don't know if she was having a bad day or just wanted to get me out of there because she was like, you need to file this insurance form and you need to go to the reinstatement branch in South Bend so they can deal with you. So I gather my things and call my insurance lady and tell her what happened. She's confused also because the form we filed in December should have covered the other form they were asking for, but being the awesome lady she is dropped everything and filled out this other form for me.

I'm not sure how any this happened. I'm not sure why I was never informed that my license was suspended again, but I do know that I have been driving around with a suspended license for almost 9 months now. The soonest I can get over to South Bend is next Tuesday so I figure a couple more days compared to 9 months isn't gonna hurt. I'm just really lucky that I never got pulled over in that time because that would mean back to jail. Now I have a few more days to study for that test and hope I remember all those signs.


Anonymous said...



Okay now I'll read your blog :) haha

Anonymous said...

I think sometimes a prereq for working at the BMV is not how nice you are, but how rude and unhelpful you can be....

I have had a couple good experiences there but for the most part they make me feel stupid.

Study up, and drive slow. Oh and remember the car with the curve lines doesn't mean a curvy road is ahead (I missed that one when I was 16)....

Anonymous said...

HAHA I just read Kayla's comment. Good stuff. :)

Okay but ewwwww that sucks. It's definitely a good thing you didn't get stopped, eeesh! So if you go to the Nappanee branch and get the big older lady, she's a doll. And that's a genuine statement. She was very helpful both times I've gotten her (in the last 2 years). After saying that, I realize you'd probably prefer the Goshen branch, but if customer service is something you're looking for, I think her name is Ruth. haha :)

p.s. WELCOME!!

Tracy said...

I'm so proud of you! You know, the part about starting your blog. I'm sorry to hear about the license. You know my mom and I are always here to drive you around!!