OK, so I know I haven't done this in a really long time, but things have been going on and I just haven't felt like talking about it until now. For those of you who don't know, I am 13 weeks pregnant. To say finding out was a shock is a huge understatement because contrary to the rumor going around I was on the pill. As badly as I took it at first, he took it worse. (name is being withheld to "protect" the not taking responsibility for their actions.) I take that back. At first he didn't take it that bad, then a week later it kinda sank in for him, he said some nasty things and I told him next time I talk to him a better be done being an asshole. Lets just say that was 2 months ago and I've talked to him once since. Its been really hard going through this and experiencing everything all on my own. Luckily I have a great group of friends and an awesome family who have really been there for me. My sister has been the best. She has been to every single doctor appt. with me so I don't have to go alone. She sat with me in the waiting room while I was trying my hardest not to cry because he canceled on me 15 minutes before we were supposed to hear the heartbeat for the first time. She's been the one to tell me it will all be OK when he never cared enough to find out how it went. And she was right. I am doing OK. I have a life growing inside of me and I can't think of anything more amazing that I've ever been a part of.
I am almost finished with my first trimester and luckily it has gone relatively smoothly. Other then a couple days of feeling really nauseous, I didn't have much morning sickness. I was really really tired for awhile but my energy is already coming back. I can't wait to feel it move. I've been really kind of lucky. My awesome friend Kayla is a few months ahead of me and she has been so helpful in telling me what I should expect. Sometimes I feel like I wouldn't be able to get through this if it weren't for her.
Besides my sister, my family has been super supportive. I was really nervous to tell my dad. Not because he would be disappointed, but because he really doesn't like him. Luckily, not one family member has been upset or tried to lecture me like they sometimes do. My sister in law even gave me all of her maternity clothes so I don't have to get too much more. Just some winter stuff because it doesn't get cold in SC.
Well holy long blog batman. Now that everything is out in the open, I will keep you updated on me and my baby. May 25th can not get here fast enough :)
7 years ago